The Pioneer Register
The aim of the Pioneer Register is to provide an index and a file of information about the Pioneers of the Fleurieu Peninsula area (see below) from 1836 – 1900. This is available for those using the Resource Room for family history research.
It is a project for all members to be involved in by either contributing relevant family information from their own family or by participating in the “Adopt-a-Pioneer” program.
The files are kept in a filing cabinet in the Resource Room in the second drawer from the top and on top of the filing cabinet is a box with index cards which can be used to determine if a person you are looking for is in the file. Later in the year a data base will also be available in the room’s computers as well.
Information can be any form. We have family group sheets available for use in either hard copy or in Word or PDF. Photos, articles etc from Trove or elsewhere about the person are also welcome.
Ask any Project committee member if you wish to make a contribution or to research anyone from the “Adopt-a-Pioneer” list. They are Kath Fisher, Marie Noble and Judy Dowling.
Adopt-a-Pioneer Guidelines
Family Group Sheet
Pioneer Register Consent Form
Updated 9 February 2025
Name of Pioneer | Place Pioneer Lived | Date Range |
ABBOTT, Joseph | Long Valley, Strathalbyn | 1815-1901 |
ADAMS, Thomas Edwin | Strathalbyn | 1846-1929 |
ADAMS. William Edward | Bull Creek | 1841-1928 |
AIRD, Archibald Brown | Myponga | 1829-1868 |
AIRD, John | McLaren Vale | 1799-1874 |
ALCOCK, Ephraim | Happy Valley | 1828-1891 |
ALDERSON, William Henry | Strathalbyn | 1864-1922 |
ALLMARK, Charles Hunter | Noarlunga | 1834–1901 |
ALLAN, Andrew | Strathalbyn | 1837-1888 |
ALLAN, James | Strathalbyn | 1803-1879 |
ANDERSON, Alexander | Morphett Vale | 1810-1884 |
ANDERSON, Alexander | Morphett Vale, Noarlunga | 1838-1922 |
ANDERSON, Charles Martin | McLaren Flat | 1844-1918 |
ANGEL, Joseph | O'Halloran Hill | 1812-1894 |
ANSELL, James | Strathalbyn | 1819-1905 |
ANTONIO, John [Joa] | Morphett Vale, Noarlunga | 1830-1887 |
ATKINS, Benjamin | Goolwa | 1809–1858 |
ANTONIO, Thomas | Noarlunga | 1864-1932 |
ARTHUR, Jonathon | Pt Elliot | 1834-1905 |
ATKINSON, Joseph | Willunga | 1824-1878 |
ATKINSON, Robert | Willunga | 1821-1862 |
ATKINSON, Robert Fish | Willunga | 1857 |
ATKINSON, Thomas | Willunga | 1822-1906 |
ATKINSON, Thomas Fish | Willunga | 1892-1968 |
AWORTH, James | Strathalbyn | 1832-1907 |
BACKSHALL, Edward | Yankalilla | 1831-1881 |
BAGSHAW, William Edward | Morphett Vale | 1850-1895 |
BAILEY, William | Myponga, Hackham | 1840-1912 |
BAIN, James | Morphett Vale | 1807-1852 |
BAIN, Robert and Sarah | Morphett Vale | 1834-1876 |
BAKER, Edward Knight | Morphett Vale | 1805-1885 |
BALDOCK, Joseph | Noarlunga, Mclaren Vale | 1809-1865 |
BALDOCK, Thomas | Pt Noarlunga, Noarlunga | 1853-1925 |
BARBER, John | Noarlunga | 1816-1884 |
BARRATT, William James | Bald Hills | 1823-1889 |
BARTLETT, Edward | Macclesfield | 1800-1879 |
BARTON, Charles John | Reynella | 1825-1888 |
BARTON, Henry | Port Elliott | 1816-1891 |
BARTON, Joseph | Port Elliott, Middleton | 1826-1890 |
BASTIAN, Sampson | Willunga | 1791-1846 |
BASTIAN, Sampson | Willunga | 1820-1897 |
BATSON, Thomas | Middleton, Strathalbyn | 1844-1918 |
BATSON, William | Middleton | 1820-1895 |
BATTLEY, Elias | Clarendon | 1817-1895 |
BAYE, Margaret Elizabeth - Canham | Hackham | 1829-1914 |
BAYE, William Henry | Hackham | 1826-1878 |
BEATTIE, Alfred | Port Noarlunga | 1845-1906 |
BEATTIE, David Gregory | Willunga | 1836-1903 |
BEATTIE, Thirza | Willunga | 1833-1866 |
BENNIER, John | Normanville, Yankalilla | 1809-1881 |
BENNY, George | Morphett Vale | 1829-1881 |
BENNY, James | Morphett Vale | 1824-1910 |
BERRY, John | Yankalilla | 1826-1865 |
BEVIS, Archibald | Strathalbyn | 1858-1926 |
BEYER, David | Noarlunga | 1815-1892 |
BIDDLE, James | Clarendon | 1811-1886 |
BIGG, James | Noarlunga Willunga | 1863-1948 |
BIGG, Samuel | Myponga, Willunga, McLaren Vale | 1827-1874 |
BINNEY, James | Willunga | 1817-1858 |
BINNEY, John | Willunga | 1843-1935 |
BIRD, Arthur | Aldinga | 1857-1934 |
BIRD, George | Aldinga | 1827-1860 |
BLACKER, James | Willunga | 1807-1882 |
BLUE, Sinclair | Strathalbyn | 1816-1866 |
BLUE, William Archibald Sinclair | Strathalbyn | 1846-1896 |
BOLD, John Garrock | O'Halloran Hill | 1916-1889 |
BOND, George | McLaren Vale | 1827-1869 |
BOOTH, Bannister | Happy Valley, Hurtle Vale | 1808-1883 |
BOSWORTH, Richard | Noarlunga | 1796-1866 |
BOTTEN, William James | Goolwa | 1830-1887 |
BOTTRILL, John | Kangarilla | 1807-1882 |
BORRETT, John | Langhorne Creek | 1822-1906 |
BOUNDY, Henry | Inman Valley | 1841-1929 |
BOUNDY, John b1739 | Bald Hill, Inman Valley | 1793-1865 |
BOUNDY, John b 1839 | Bald Hill, Inman Valley | 1839-1864 |
BOUNDY, Kitty | Inman Valley | 1835-1866 |
BOUNDY, Philip | Inman Valley | 1844-1916 |
BOUNDY, William | Inman Valley | 1926-1852 |
BOWDEN, George | Belvidere, Strathalbyn | 1845-1926 |
BOWDEN, Robert | Milang | 1836-1886 |
BOWYER, Thomas Henry | Yankalilla | 1810-1879 |
BRADY, William | Hackham | 1820-1869 |
BREALEY, John | Clarendon | 1816-1889 |
BREALEY, Mary Elizabeth Jane | Clarendon | 1879-1964 |
BREALEY, Samuel | Clarendon | 1840-1910 |
BRENNAN, Thomas | Strathalbyn | 1839-1910 |
BREWER, Charles Phillip | Morphett Vale | 1799-1882 |
BRIGHT, Richard | Noarlunga | 1824 - 1864 |
BRODIE, Alexander | Morphett Vale | 1789-1869 |
BROOK, John | Torrens Vale | 1804-1884 |
BROWN, David | Noarlunga | 1823-1905 |
BROWN, John | McLaren Vale | 1803-1881 |
BROWN, John | Hindmarsh Valley | 1857-1937 |
BROWN, John | Encounter Bay | 1898-1988 |
BUCKHURST, George | Normanville | 1807-1881 |
BUDDLE, John | Clarendon | 1825-1908 |
BUDGEN, Richard | Noarlunga | 1821-1882 |
BURFITT, Samuel | Noarlunga | 1820-1882 |
BURGESS, Martin | Noarlunga | 1837-1900 |
BUTTERWORTH, Joseph | Willunga, Aldinga | 1804-1875 |
BURKETT, James | Strathalbyn, Macclesfield | 1840-1887 |
BUTTON, Hannah | Aldinga, Myponga | 1851-1899 |
BUTTON, James | Aldinga | 1791-1838 |
BUTTON, Sarah | Yankalilla | 1861-1942 |
BUTTON, William Howard | Willunga, Aldinga | 1819-1866 |
BYARD, Douglas John | Reynella | 1859-1949 |
CADD, William | Normanville | 1810-1896 |
CAFFREY, John | McLaren Vale, Myponga | 1817-1907 |
CAIN, Martin | Reynella | 1836-1916 |
CALDWELL, Alexander | Strathalbyn | 1855-1924 |
CAMERON, Alexander | Strathalbyn | 1814-1895 |
CAMERON, Alexander | Myponga | 1813-1895 |
CAMERON, Archie | Myponga | 1895-1956 |
CAMERON, Ewen | Finniss | 1820-1894 |
CAMERON, John | Myponga | 1850-1926 |
CANDY, Thomas Gillingham | Myponga | 1821-1898 |
CANDY, William G | Myponga | 1836-1909 |
CANT, Charles William | Finniss Vale, Rapid Bay | 1852-1929 |
CATT, Alfred | Strathalbyn | 1833-1919 |
CAVENETT, Henry | Willunga | 1829-1876 |
CAVENETT, John | Strathalbyn | 1838-1916 |
CAVENETT, John | Willunga | 1808-1844 |
CARRICK, David | Willunga | 1830-1876 |
CARRICK, James Todd | Noarlunga | 1799-1852 |
CARMICHAEL, Andrew | Morphett Vale | 1829-1916 |
CARRUTHERS, Richard | Strathalbyn | 1825-1910 |
CASTLE, William | Strathalbyn | 1820-1882 |
CHAMBERS, Moses | McLaren Vale | 1829-1902 |
CHAMPNESS, John | Noarlunga | 1817-1853 |
CHAMPNESS, John Henry | Noarlunga | 1853-1924 |
CHANDLER, Ruth | Kangarilla | 1807-1885 |
CHANDLER, William | Clarendon | 1804-1895 |
CHAPMAN , James | Clarendon | 1849-1909 |
CHAPMAN, James Paul | Clarendon | 1820-1879 |
CHARLES, John | Strathalbyn | 1824-1905 |
CHASE, Charlotte | Clarendon | 1833-1871 |
CHASE, Edwin Richard | Clarendon | 1843-1922 |
CHASE, George | Clarendon | 1836-1902 |
CHEESEMAN, William Henry | Willunga | 1809-1876 |
CHENOWETH, Edwin John | Willunga | 1822-1912 |
CHENOWETH, Phillip | Normanville | 1861-1927 |
CHENOWETH, Samuel | Willunga | 1853-1938 |
CHENOWETH, Thomas | Willunga, Aldinga | 1817-1907 |
CHENOWETH, Thomas | Aldinga | 1858-1915 |
CHERITON, John | Strathalbyn | 1828-1917 |
CHITTLEBOROUGH, James | Hurtle Vale | 1788-1853 |
CHITTLEBOROUGH, William James | Morphett Vale | 1826-1911 |
CHRISTIE, Alexander | Cape Jervis | 1814-1883 |
CHRISTIE, William Herbert | Meadows | 1835-1890 |
CLARK, Agnes Walker | Noarlunga | 1827-1908 |
CLARK, James | Noarlunga | 1849-1909 |
CLARK, John | O'Halloran Hill | 1814-1891 |
CLARKE, James Andrew | Wattle Flat | 1851-1933 |
CLARKE, John | Myponga | 1812-1890 |
CLARKE, John | Myponga | 1841-1888 |
CLAUGHTON, George Frederick | Currency Creek | 1810-1900 |
CLEGGETT, Friend | Langhorne Creek | 1811-1878 |
CLEMENTS, John Thomas | McLaren Vale | 1823-1899 |
CLIFF, Alfred | Aldinga | 1864-1938 |
CLIFF, Henry | Noarlunga | 1824-1902 |
CLIFT, James Beath | Willunga | 1851-1925 |
CLIFT, John | McLaren Vale | 1797-1879 |
CLIFT, John Welling | McLaren Vale | 1824-1878 |
CLIFF, William | Aldinga | 1827-1902 |
CLOUGH, George | Strathalbyn | 1845-1915 |
COAD, John | Yankalilla | 1824-1870 |
COAD, Nicholas | Yankalilla | 1825-1862 |
COBBLEDICK, William | Willunga | 1824-1885 |
COCK, Edward | Wilunga | 1831-1914 |
COCK (COX), John | Willunga | 1828-1891 |
COCKS, William James | Reynella | 1862-1916 |
COLE, Joel | Delamere | 1821-1901 |
COLLINS, Edward | Morphett Vale | 1812-1898 |
COLLINS, Elizabeth | Morphett Vale | 1834-1911 |
COLLINS, Simon | Hackham, MorphettVale | 1840-1913 |
COOME, Benjamin | Noarlunga | 1817-1884 |
COOTE, John | Inman Valley | 1805-1876 |
CORNELIUS, Elizabeth | Willunga | 1843-1936 |
CORNELIUS, James | Willunga | 1815-1897 |
CORNELIUS, James Marks | Willunga | 1838-1923 |
CORNOCK, James | McLaren Vale | 1822-1906 |
CORRELL, Robert | Reynella | 1852-1921 |
COWLEY, Thomas | Hurtle Vale | 1826-1916 |
COX, George Bradley | Aldinga | 1860-1892 |
COX, Henry | Noarlunga | 1818-1891 |
COX, Thomas | Aldinga | 1826-1907 |
COX, William Wilcox | Myponga | 1826-1897 |
CRAIG, James | Morphett Vale | 1804-1862 |
CRANE, Joseph | Noarlunga | 1820-1896 |
CRISP, Wiliiam | Aldinga | 1831-1912 |
CROSER, William | Rapid Bay | 1808-1883 |
CROSS, William Brook | Belvidere | 1851-1923 |
CROSSMAN, Frederick F | Inman Valley | 1848-1925 |
CROSSMAN, John | Inman Valley | 1826-1892 |
CROSSMAN, Joseph John | Inman Valley | 1841-1923 |
DANIEL, James | Morphett Vale | 1802-1874 |
DALE, Hannah | Port Noarlunga | 1842-1919 |
DALE, William | Port Noarlunga | 1844-1905 |
DAVIDSON, George | Angus Plains, Strathalbyn | 1819-1907 |
DAVILL, Job | O'Halloran Hill, Reynella | 1836-1877 |
DAVIS, Thomas Henry | Hurtle Vale | 1859-1901 |
DAVIS, Walter John | O'Halloran Hill | 1832-1873 |
DAVORAN, Thomas | Willunga | 1820-1895 |
DAWE, Henry | Willunga | 1816-1849 |
DAWE, Sampson | Willunga | 1813-1879 |
DAWE, William | Willunga | 1814-1850 |
DAWE, William Henry | Willunga | 1839-1924 |
DAWSON, James | Strathalbyn | 1770-1865 |
DEADMAN, Nicholas | Clarendon | 1825-1892 |
DEER, James | Hurtle Vale | 1824-1873 |
DEERE, William Arthur | Strathalbyn | 1843-1913 |
DeCAUX, Felix Philip Frdk | Willunga, Meadows | 1822-1877 |
DENNIS, (Henry) Robert | Bald Hills | 1808-1857 |
DENTON, Charles John | Currency Creek | 1841-1883 |
DIX, Abraham | Clarendon | 1837-1913 |
DIX, Edward | Clarendon | 1831-1913 |
DIX, James | Clarendon | 1809-1884 |
DIX, Thomas | Clarendon | 1850-1915 |
DIX, William | Clarendon | 1853-1933 |
DODDEMEADE, Samuel | Noarlunga | 1809-1884 |
DONNITHORNE, John Edward | Strathalbyn | 1824-1887 |
DONNEN, Anthony | Strathalbyn | 1780-1850 |
DORMER, George | Bald Hills | 1798-1867 |
DOWLING, James Hughes | Kangarilla | 1848-1917 |
DUNGEY, John | Noarlunga | 1795-1866 |
DUNGEY, John Charles | Noarlunga | 1859-1914 |
DUNSTALL, James | Yankalilla | 1797-1878 |
DUNGEY, Thomas | Noarlunga | 1832-1879 |
DURRANT, James | Clarendon | 1832–1917 |
EAGLE, Richard | McLaren Vale | 1814-1899 |
EAST, Joseph James | Strathalbyn | 1856-1922 |
EASTON, Charles | Morphett Vale | 1839-1897 |
EASTON, Daniel | Happy Valley, Morphett Vale, Clarendon | 1819-1883 |
EASTON, Henry | Clarendon | 1863-1897 |
EASTON, Sarah | Morphett Vale | 1861-1921 |
EATTS, Thomas | Aldinga/Echunga | 1847-1927 |
ECKERSLEY, James | Morphett Vale | 1816-1877 |
ECKERSLEY, James E | Aldinga | 1849-1921 |
EDMONDS, John James | Strathalbyn | 1861-1911 |
EDMONDS, William | Macclesfield | 1818-1863 |
EGLINTON, James (Jim) | O'Halloran Hill, Hurtle Vale | 1849-1841 |
EGLINTON, Robert | Reynella | 1823-1875 |
EISEMANN, Philip | Clarendon | 1819-1860 |
ELLIOTT, Henry | McLaren Vale | 1805-1867 |
ELLIOTT, Mary | Aldinga | 1827-1891 |
ELLIOTT, William | Noarlunga | 1809-1879 |
ELLIS, George | Meadows | 1820-1905 |
EUSTICE, Abraham James | Mt Compass | 1881-1921 |
FAULKNER, Robert | Yankalilla | 1832-1916 |
FERRIS, Richard | Old Noarlunga | 1833-1924 |
FIDGE, George | Aldinga | 1829-1917 |
FIDGE, John | Noarlunga | 1807-1880 |
FIDGE, Lewis | Noarlunga | 1807-1880 |
FOREMAN, David Daniel | Willunga | 1827-1903 |
FOREMAN, James | Willunga | 1825-1857 |
FORREST, Thomas | Myponga | 1840-1912 |
FORREST, Thomas | Myponga | 1848-1946 |
FORSYTH, David | Hackham | 1851-1915 |
FOULSER, Phebe | Happy Valley | 1804-1887 |
FOX, Henry | Morphett Vale | 1810-1866 |
FOX, Joseph | Noarlunga, Hackham | 1852-1887 |
FOX, Henry Jnr | MorphettVale, Noarlunga | 1843-1919 |
FRASER, David Gollan | Strathalbyn | 1860-1900 |
FREEBAIRN, James | O'Halloran Hill | 1796-1872 |
FRISBY, John | Clarendon | 1826-1889 |
FRY, Charles | Macclesfield | 1822-1877 |
FURLER, Charles | Willunga | 1830-1897 |
GALE, William | Morphett Vale | 1820-1881 |
GALLOWAY, James | Morphett Vale | 1817-1876 |
GARDNER, John | Yankalilla | 1813-1888 |
GEPP, Henry Francis | Willunga | 1836-1871 |
GILES, Henry | Dashwood Gully | 1846-1909 |
GILLES, John | O'Halloran Hill | 1845-1928 |
GOBELL, James | Rapid Bay | 1803-1884 |
GOLDER, James | Kangarilla | 1848-1924 |
GOLDER, Thomas | Kangarilla | 1800-1880 |
GOLDSMITH, George | Noarlunga | 1844-1907 |
GOLDSMITH, Obed | Noarlunga | 1829-1857 |
GOLDSMITH, William | Morphett Vale, Noarlunga | 1796-1865 |
GOODLIFE, William | Noarlunga | 1829-1911 |
GOSS, Thomas | Willunga | 1810-1890 |
GREENFIELD, Alfred Ferries | Willunga | 1866-1950 |
GREENFIELD, Frederick | Willunga, Port Elliott | 1834-1874 |
GRIBBLE, John | Noarlunga | 1805-1887 |
GRIGGS, George Thomas | Prospect Hill | 1842-1919 |
GRIGGS, William | Prospect Hill, Meadows | 1819-1882 |
GRIGGS, William Henry | Clarendon | 1861-1931 |
GRUNDY, Frank | Noarlunga | 1854-1904 |
GRUNDY, Joseph | Delamare | 1820-1886 |
GUERIN, Patrick | Hackham | 1814-1900 |
GUERIN, John | Hackham | 1847-1893 |
GUNN, Alexander | Reynella | 1833-1906 |
GUNN, William | Reynella | 1874-1956 |
HACK, John Barton | Encounter Bay, Echunga | 1805-1884 |
HAMMOND, George Peter | Noarlunga | 1816-1887 |
HATCHER, George | Yankalilla | 1813-1881 |
HAGUE, Joseph | Strathalbyn | 1824-1889 |
HALL, James John | Willunga | 1819-1863 |
HALL, Spencer Atkinson | McLaren Vale | 1861-1927 |
HARDING, John | Hindmarsh Valley | 1826-1900 |
HARDY, Thomas | McLaren Vale | 1830-1912 |
HARPER, John Aquila | Kangarilla | 1847-1874 |
HARPER, Mary Ann | Morphett Vale | 1812-1883 |
HARRIOTT, Andrew | Moana/ Noarlunga | 1804-1867 |
HARRIS, William | Bald Hills, Inman Valley | 1812-1858 |
HART, Francis | Aldinga | 1834-1920 |
HAWKER, William | Willunga | 1835-1905 |
HEFFERNAN, Patrick | Normanville | 1810-1881 |
HENDERSON, Edward | Victor Harbor | 1812-1899 |
HENLEY, John Richard | O'Halloran Hill | 1815-1907 |
HENLEY, Thomas | Middleton | 1836-1915 |
HENLEY, Thomas | Aldinga | 1845-1923 |
HEPENSTAL, George Mulgrave | Port Noarlunga | 1815-1869 |
HERBERT, Septimane | Yankalilla | 1807-1886 |
HERRICK, Edward | Middleton | 1836-1915 |
HEWITT, Charles | Willunga, Myponga | 1794-1871 |
HEWITT, Onesimus | Myponga | 1828-1904 |
HICKMAN, William Henry | O'Halloran Hill | 1833-1897 |
HIGGINS, Patrick | Morphett Vale | 1821-1856 |
HIGGINS, Robert | Port Elliot | 1815-1897 |
HOLLAMBY, Robert | Bull Creek | 1821-1903 |
HOLLY, Charles | Hackham | 1830-1899 |
HOLLY, Edward | Hackham | 1861-1939 |
HOLLY, William | Hackham | 1802-1884 |
HOLMAN, James | Bald Hills | 1827-1903 |
HOLMAN, John | Willunga | 1795-1853 |
HOLMES, David | Belvidere | 1830-1876 |
HOOPER, John Philip | Noarlunga | 1827-1860 |
HOOPER, Philip | Noarlunga | 1825-1879 |
HOOPER, Philip John | Noarlunga | 1824-1874 |
HOOPER, Henry Martin | Kangarilla/Clarendon | 1830-1903 |
HOTHAM, John | Port Elliott | 1816-1885 |
HOSKIN, James Turner Phillip | Normanville | 1814-1863 |
HOW, William Crosby | Aldinga | 1828-1864 |
HUCKS, William Robert | Cape Jervis | 1831-1864 |
HUGHES, James | Willunga | 1825-1892 |
HUMPHRIS John Francis | McLaren Vale | 1801-1870 |
HUMPHRIS Richard | Morphett Vale | 1807-1889 |
HUMPHRYS, Joseph | Aldinga | 1827-1888 |
HUNT, John | Myponga | 1853-1912 |
HUNT, Matthew | Myponga | 1814-1905 |
HUNT, Matthew | Yankalilla | 1864-1941 |
HURRELL, Isaac | Inman Valley | 1808-1874 |
HURRELL, Isaac | Inman Valley | 1845-1925 |
HUTCHINSON, William Palmer | Morphett Vale | 1838-1925 |
HUTCHINSON, William | Morphett Vale | 1813-1884 |
ILLMAN, George | Willunga, Aldinga | 1833-1903 |
ILLMAN, Harry | Aldinga | 1841-1911 |
ILLMAN, John | Willunga | 1802-1860 |
INGRAM, Albert | McLaren Vale | 1839-1909 |
INGRAM, Alice | McLaren Vale, Reynella | 1869-1929 |
INGRAM, Arthur Albert | McLaren Vale | 1866-1942 |
INGRAM, Caroline | McLaren Vale | 1872-1912 |
INGRAM, Edwin | McLaren Vale | 1881-1953 |
INGRAM, Emma | McLaren Vale | 1861-1937 |
INGRAM, Frances Florence | McLaren Vale | 1876-1941 |
INGRAM, John | McLaren Vale | 1835-1899 |
INGRAM, Mary Matilda | McLaren Vale | 1858-1915 |
INGRAM, Rebecca Rachel | McLaren Vale | 1849-1886 |
INGRAM, William | McLaren Vale | 1834-1902 |
INGRAM, William | McLaren Vale | 1807-1872 |
INGRAM, William Wilks | McLaren Vale | 1878-1901 |
JACKSON, William | Willunga | 1799-1859 |
JACOBS, Alma | Aldinga | 1859-1941 |
JACOBS, Isaac | Clarendon, Cherry Gardens | 1814-1894 |
JACOBS, James Silby | Willunga | 1829-1888 |
JACOBS, Lilini Inkerman | Willunga | 1860-1916 |
JAGGER, Matthew | Encounter Bay | 1802-1876 |
JARED, John | Noarlunga | 1820-1877 |
JARED, John William | Noarlunga | 1845-1934 |
JARVIS, Richard | Noarlunga | 1839-1879 |
JAY, Richard Gardiner | Willunga | 1813-1879 |
JOLLY, Charles | Reynella | 1822-1916 |
JONES, Alexander Widlake | Morphett Vale | 1865-1948 |
JONES, Christopher | Morphett Vale | 1883-1888 |
JONES, Daniel William | Delamare | 1819-1882 |
JONES, John Samuel | Meadows | 1837-1892 |
JONES, William | Kangarilla | 1832-1915 |
JORASLAFSKY, Franz Anton | Willunga | 1818-1899 |
JOYCE, Martin | Hackham | 1817-1871 |
KAIN (KEANE) Albert John | Willunga | 1888-1971 |
KAIN, Annie Veronica | Willunga | 1882-1974 |
KAIN, Bridget Maria | Willunga | 1861-1942 |
KAIN, Thomas | Willunga | 1832-1903 |
KAIN, Thomas Aloysius | Willunga | 1866-1916 |
KANE (KEANE) Joseph | Willunga | 1883-1963 |
KEAN Michael Joseph | Willunga | 1859-1907 |
KEAN, Celia Lucille | Willunga | 1873-1946 |
KEAN, John Joseph | Willunga | 1861-1907 |
KEAN, Millicent Victoria | Reynella | 1896-1965 |
KEAN, Wilfred James | Reynella | 1889-1940 |
KELL, Thomas Smith | 1802-1877 | Willunga |
KELLY, Alexander Charles | Morphett Vale | 1811-1877 |
KELLY, Thomas Bell | Morphett Vale | 1815-1883 |
KENIHAN, Catherine Magdeline | O'Halloran Hill | 1845-1906 |
KENIHAN, Hugh | Willunga | 1802-1893 |
KENIHAN, John Thomas | Happy Valley | 1838-1962 |
KENIHAN, Lucy Isabella | O'Halloran Hill | 1847-1940 |
KENIHAN, Margaret Ellen | O'Halloran Hill | 1837-1913 |
KENIHAN, Mary Anne | O'Halloran Hill | 1845-1924 |
KENIHAN, Michael Joseph | O'Halloran Hill | 1842-1913 |
KENNEY/KENNY, Edward | Hindmarsh Valley | 1830-1894 |
KENNEY/KENNY, George Edward | Port Elliott | 1867-1949 |
KENNEY/KENNY, Joseph Buxton | Hindmarsh Valley | 1864-1954 |
KERNICK, John | Willunga | 1859-1889 |
KERNICK, James | Willunga | 1822-1905 |
KIMPTON, John | Noarlunga | 1819-1869 |
KIMPTON, John Leeuwin | Noarlunga | 1850-1920 |
KING, Eli & Drusilla | McLaren Vale | 1827-1912 |
KING, Frederick | McLaren Vale | 1854-1903 |
KING, Mary Ann | Inman Valley | 1853-1876 |
KING, Peter | Morphett Vale | 1799-1881 |
KING, Peter | Morphett Vale | 1831-1907 |
KING, Peter Charles | Morphett Vale | 1852-1926 |
KING, Thomas | McLaren Vale | 1855-1930 |
KING, Thomas | Morphett Vale | 1926-1906 |
KING, Thomas Layton | Morphett Vale | 1819-1904 |
KITTS, William | Aldinga | 1836-1887 |
KLAR, Alfred George | Happy Valley | 1893-1960 |
KLAR, Carl Gustav Adolph | Happy Valley | 1861-1945 |
KNIGHT, Charles Johnson | Clarendon, Cherry Gardens | 1822-1915 |
KNIGHT, George Johnson | Clarendon, Cherry Gardens | 1824-1902 |
KNIPE, James | Noarlunga, Aldinga | 1820-1870 |
KOOP, Albert | Happy Valley | 1857-1941 |
KRUSE, Carl H | Milang | 1823-1911 |
LANG, James | Meadows | 1827-1905 |
LAWRANCE, Charles | Willunga | 1846–1888 |
LAWRENCE, Thomas | Hackham | 1828-1907 |
LAWRY, John Wesley | Clarendon, Cherry Gardens | 1838-1899 |
LEAK, Henry | Rapid Bay | 1848-1939 |
LEAK, Nelson | Normanville, Delamere | 1811-1869 |
LEAK, William | Yankalilla | 1807-1858 |
LEARMONTH, John | Reynella | 1861-1941 |
LEEDHAM, George Pearson | Macclesfield | 1804-1889 |
LEIGHTON, William | Normanville, Yankalilla | 1830-1916 |
LEMON, Charles | Myponga, Lovely Valley | 1814-1897 |
LE POIDEVIN, Daniel | Morphett Vale | 1835-1905 |
LESLIE, John | McLaren Vale | 1821-1901 |
LEWIS, George | Yankalilla | 1818-1885 |
LEWIS, Henry | Macclesfield | 1822-1892 |
LINDSAY, Margaret | Strathalbyn | 1825-1891 |
LIPSON, Charles Mortimer | Willunga | 1854-1945 |
LONGLEY, Catherine | Port Noarlunga | 1820-1884 |
LONGLEY, Hannah | Strathalbyn | 1846-1919 |
LONGLEY, Raymond John | Onkaparinga | 1810-1840 |
LONGLEY, Richard | Port Noarlunga | ? - 1845 |
LOUD, Edward | Willunga | 1811-1887 |
LEWSEY, Charles | Willunga | 1819-1889 |
LONGLEY, John | Strathalbyn | 1862-1935 |
LONGLEY, John Raymond | Port Noarlunga | 1836-1860 |
LONGLEY, Walter | Port Noarlunga | 1840-1867 |
LOVELOCK, Elija | Willunga | 1829-1907 |
LOVELOCK, George | Willunga / Aldina | 1802-1853 |
LOVELOCK, George | Willunga | 1835-1885 |
LOVELOCK, Levi | Aldinga | 1827-1907 |
LOVELOCK, William | Aldinga | 1845-1903 |
LUSCOMBE, George | Morphett Vale | 1830-1904 |
LUDLOW, Thomas | Strathalbyn, Encounter Bay | 1847-1933 |
LYMBURNER, Adam | Meadows | 1824-1893 |
MAIDMENT, Charles | Strathalbyn | 1795-1865 |
MAIDMENT, William Joseph | Willunga | 1885-1898 |
MALE, Francis | Willunga | 1819-1895 |
MALE, Jane Anne | Willunga | 1839-1923 |
MALE, John | Willunga | 1809-1872 |
MALE, John Roberts Percy | Willunga | 1842-1935 |
MALE, Laureen | Willunga | 1869-1962 |
MALE, Nicholas | Willunga | 1816-1867 |
MALE, William Browne | Willunga | 1833-1919 |
MALPAS, Godfrey | Willunga | 1866-1898 |
MALPAS, George | Noarlunga | 1819-1892 |
MALPAS, Henry | Willunga | 1825-1910 |
MALPAS, James Stanley | Willunga | 1873-1937 |
MAPLE, Thomas | Yankalilla | 1816-1893 |
MANNING, George | McLaren Vale | 1800-1872 |
MANNING, Mary | Happy Valley | 1818-1899 |
MARSHALL, Thomas | Willunga | 1811-1880 |
MARTIN, Thomas | Port Willunga | 1797-1862 |
MARTIN, Thomas | Willunga | 1825-1900 |
MASLIN, Thomas | Aldinga | 1807-1890 |
MASLIN, Thomas William | Aldinga | 1839-1877 |
MASON, George | O'Halloran Hill | 1832-1909 |
MASON, Joseph Webb | O'Halloran Hill | 1856-1934 |
MATTHEWS, Thomas | Willunga | 1804-1889 |
MAYFIELD, Thomas | Yankalilla | 1797-1878 |
McBURNEY, Joseph | Aldinga | 1831-1872 |
McCLINTOCK, James | Meadows | 1839-1914 |
McDONALD, James Benj | Willunga | 1813-1878 |
McGUINNES, Matthew | Myponga | 1850-1937 |
McGUINNES, Thomas | Myponga | 1828-1915 |
McKAY, Charles | Port Noarlunga | 1830-1897 |
McKENZIE, Donald | Aldinga | 1812-1871 |
McLEAN, Donald | Strathalbyn | 1776-1855 |
McMILLAN, Archie | Noarlunga | 1801-1869 |
McMILLAN, William | Noarlunga | 1841-1913 |
McRAE, Colin | Aldinga | 1851-1923 |
McRAE, Donald | Aldinga | 1812-1854 |
McRAE, Duncan | Strathalbyn | 1826-1901 |
McRAE, Farquar | Aldinga | 1826-1906 |
McRAE, Finlay | Aldinga | 1796-1879 |
McRAE, Finlay Donald | Aldinga | 1843-1904 |
McRAE, John | Aldinga/Myponga | 1789-1883 |
MENMUIR, George Harper | Strathalbyn | 1835-1913 |
MIDDLEBROOK, Richard | McLaren Vale | 1805-1892 |
MIDDLEBROOK, Richard | McLaren Vale | 1849-1899 |
MILLIGAN, Melville | Echunga | 1784–1868 |
MILLIGAN, Melville | Meadows, Strathalbyn | 1840-1920 |
MILLS, Charles | McLaren Vale | 1855-1927 |
MILLS, George | Port Elliot | 1819-1891 |
MITCHELL, Caleb | Clarendon | 1834-1926 |
MITCHELL, Charles | Clarendon | 1838-1907 |
MONTGOMERY, Robert | Happy Valley | 1810-1866 |
MOORE, Thomas Knight | Morphett Vale | 1809-1882 |
MORIER, William John | Morphett Vale | 1845-1885 |
MORPHETT, Henry | Clarendon | 1851-1934 |
MORPHETT, Richard | Clarendon | 1821-1902 |
MORPHETT, Robert | Clarendon | 1822-1872 |
MORRIS, Charles Richard | Morphett Vale | 1863-1918 |
MORRIS, George | Bullaparinga | 1831-1852 |
MORRISEY, Michael | Noarlunga | 1807-1887 |
MORTIMER, Rebecca | Willunga | 1835-1913 |
MORTIMER, Richard | Willunga | 1810-1883 |
MUDGE, John | Noarlunga | 1816-1896 |
MUDGE, John St Jago | Noarlunga | 1839-1906 |
MUMFORD, James Friend | Echunga | 1830-1899 |
MYLES, Charles Hegan | Morphett Vale | 1838-1903 |
NALTY, Charles Philip | Strathalbyn | 1841-1913 |
NALTY, Claude Hornick | Morphett Vale | 1889-1973 |
NALTY, Thomas Newsome | Strathalbyn | 1886-1916 |
NALTY, William John | Strathalbyn [Callington] | 1879-1956 |
NASH, Reuben | Morphett Vale | 1831-1916 |
NELSON, James Campbell | Myponga | 1819-1873 |
NEWELL, Richard Steed | Hindmarsh Island | 1841-1912 |
NEWLAND, Ridgway William | Encounter Bay | 1790-1864 |
NEWLAND, Watts | Encounter Bay | 1820-1913 |
NICOL, James | McLaren Vale | 1833-1908 |
NICOL, John | McLaren Vale | 1863-1926 |
NICOL, Robert James | McLaren Vale | 1849-1924 |
NICOLLE, William | Kangarilla, Cherry Gardens | 1833-1901 |
NORMAN, Henry | Yankalilla | 1855-1897 |
NORMAN, Isaac | Delamere | 1836-1914 |
NORMAN, John | Yankalilla | 1806-1873 |
NORMAN, John | Willunga | 1814-1885 |
NORMAN, Robert Hastings | Normanville | 1808-1883 |
NORMAN, William | Langhorne Creek | 1840-1903 |
NOTTAGE, Charles | Dashwood Gully, Meadows | 1828-1913 |
NOTTAGE, Charles Frederick | McLaren Vale | 1857-1926 |
NOTTAGE, John Quy | McLaren Vale, Dashwood Gully | 1835-1912 |
NOTTAGE, Thomas | Meadows | 1805-1881 |
NOTTAGE, William Henry | Meadows | 1839-1921 |
NOYE, Thomas | Willunga | 1848-1923 |
O’GRADY, Lawrence | Macclesfield | 1813-1868 |
O'HALLORAN, Thomas S | O'Halloran Hill | 1797-1870 |
O'SULLIVAN, Ignatius | Morphett Vale | 1795-1871 |
OCKLEFORD, John | Hackham | 1829-1873 |
OLIVER, David | Willunga | 1818-1857 |
OSMOND, John | Kangarilla | 1820-1906 |
OSMOND, William | Kangarilla | 1846-1922 |
OWENS, Edward | Happy Valley | 1810-1853 |
OXFORD, William | Happy Valley | 1824-1909 |
PADDICK, Annie | Clarendon | 1841-1918 |
PADDICK, Eliza Dunwill | Kangarilla | 1836-1895 |
PADDICK, Henry Dunwill | Clarendon | 1811-1872 |
PADDICK, John Thomas | Clarendon | 1843-1914 |
PADDICK, Joseph Dunwill | Clarendon | 1856-1923 |
PADDICK, Maria Dunwill | Clarendon | 1851-1923 |
PADDICK, Richard | Clarendon | 1847-1895 |
PADDICK, Sarah | Clarendon | 1838-1907 |
PADDICK, Susannah Dunwill | Clarendon | 1854-1910 |
PADDICK, William | Clarendon | 1846-1917 |
PAGE, Henry Orlando | Aldinga, Myponga | 1939-1902 |
PARKER, William | O'Halloran Hill | 1822-1860 |
PATTEN, James | Noarlunga | 1824-1907 |
PAUL, George Douglas | Myponga | 1851-1921 |
PEDLER, Thomas | Noarlunga | 1800-1874 |
PENGILLY, Henry | Willunga | 1843-1898 |
PENGILLY, John | Willunga, Aldinga | 1806-1894 |
PENGILLY, John Junior | Willunga | 1842-1893 |
PENGILLY, Sarah | Willunga | 1832-1914 |
PENGILLY, Thomas | Aldinga | 1837-1918 |
PENGILLY, William | Willunga | 1831-1921 |
PERRY, Alfred | Noarlunga | 1813-1889 |
PERRY, John Harvey | Noarlunga | 1814-1853 |
PETHICK, Abraham | Willunga | 1800-1855 |
PETHICK, John | Aldinga | 1827-1893 |
PFUHL, Ludwig Wilhelm Heinrich | Mt Compass | 1853-1928 |
PFUHL, William Thomas | Mt Compass | 1887-1916 |
PIGHT, Thomas | Hurtle Vale, Happy Valley | 1843-1914 |
POINTON, James | Willunga | 1821-1880 |
POLKINGHORNE, John | Willunga, Yankalilla | 1804-1883 |
POLKINGHORNE, Joseph | Willunga | 1795-1858 |
POLKINGHORNE, Richard | Willunga | 1808-1873 |
POLKINGHORNE, Thomas | Willunga | 1813-1883 |
POTTER, Joseph | Clarendon, Hurtle Vale | 1836-1860 |
POTTER, Thomas | Reynella | 1828-1892 |
POTTS, Francis | Langhorne Creek | 1815-1890 |
POUNSETT, Henry Rothwell | Willunga | 1810-1891 |
POWELL, Edward Henry | Langhorne Creek | 1824-1893 |
POWELL, Harrison | Willunga | 1821-1879 |
POWELL, William George | Clarendon | 1818-1887 |
POWELL, William George Jnr | Clarendon | 1845-1921 |
PRICE, Enos | Noarlunga | 1869-1941 |
PRICE, James | Noarlunga | 1812-1903 |
PRICE, William | Noarlunga, Port Noarlunga | 1852-1932 |
PRIDHAM, James | Aldinga | 1821-1904 |
PRIDHAM, Jasper | Aldinga | 1819-1904 |
QUELCH, William | Morphett Vale | 1816-1887 |
QUICK, Sarah | Noarlunga | 1796-1881 |
RADFORD, Daniel | Noarlunga, Hackham | 1850-1919 |
RADFORD, George | Noarlunga | 1820-1886 |
RADFORD, Henry | Pedlars Cr Noarlunga | 1855-1935 |
RADFORD, Samuel | Pedlars Cr Noarlunga | 1828-1911 |
RANKINE, Andrew | Clarendon, Cherry Gardens | 1841-1913 |
RANKINE, James | Clarendon, Cherry Gardens | 1828-1897 |
RANKINE, Matthew | Clarendon, Cherry Gardens | 1829-1917 |
RANKINE, William | Clarendon, Cherry Gardens | 1799-1882 |
RANKINE, William | Clarendon, Cherry Gardens | 1837-1889 |
RAYNER, John | Noarlunga | 1815-1875 |
REDMAN, Robert | Port Elliot | 1822-1885 |
REDMAN, Thomas | Rapid Bay | 1840-1890 |
REYNELL, Carew | Reynella | 1883-1915 |
REYNELL, Emily | Reynella | 1880-1955 |
REYNELL, John | Reynella | 1809-1873 |
REYNELL, Walter | Reynella | 1846-1919 |
REYNOLDS, James | Aldinga | 1821-1866 |
REYNOLDS, James | Happy Valley | 1859-1933 |
RHIND, William | Strathalbyn | 1825-1891 |
RHIND, William | Woodchester | 1848-1931 |
RICHARDS, Harry | Willunga | 1861-1911 |
RICHARDS, John | Willunga | 1824-1898 |
RICHARDS, John (Johnny) | Willunga | 1853-1886 |
RICHARDS, William | Willunga | 1849-1933 |
RISEBOROUGH, James | Willunga | 1816-1873 |
ROADS, Thomas | Yankalilla | 1810-1892 |
ROBINSON, William | Morphett Vale Noarlunga | 1825-1909 |
ROGERS, Maylin | Bull Creek | 1804-1900 |
ROWE, Edmund | Willunga | 1805-1882 |
ROWE, John Henry | Willunga | 1840-1873 |
ROWLAND, John Thomas | Willunga | 1861-1940 |
ROWLEY, George | Myponga, Kangarilla | 1859-1924 |
ROWLEY, John | Myponga | 1804-1847 |
ROWLEY, Robert | Myponga | 1834-1872 |
SAMPSON, George | Hurtle Vale | 1854-1939 |
SAMPSON, Richard | Hurtle Vale | 1815-1897 |
SARA, George | Willunga | 1813-1914 |
SAUERBIER, George | Port Noarlunga | 1860-1936 |
SAUERBIER, Hannah Gwendoline | Victor Harbor | 1899-1950 |
SAUERBIER, John Christian | Happy Valley | 1814-1893 |
SAUERBIER, John Christian | Happy Valley | 1856-1923 |
SAUERBIER, John James | Happy Valley | 1858-1938 |
SCOTT, John William | Noarlunga | 1819-1850 |
SEMMENS, Francis | McLaren Vale | 1850-1953 |
SEMMENS, Frank | McLaren Vale | 1892-1977 |
SEMMENS, John | McLaren Vale | 1812-1876 |
SEMMENS, Sydney Herbert | McLaren Vale | 1883-1950 |
SEMMENS, Thomas | McLaren Vale | 1804-1870 |
SEMMENS, Thomas | McLaren Vale | 1831-1878 |
SEMMENS, William | McLaren Vale | 1839-1931 |
SEMMENS, William James | McLaren Vale | 1867-1943 |
SHADWELL, James Matthew | Yankalilla | 1850-1930 |
SHADWELL, Richard | Carrickalinga | 1806-1890 |
SHADWELL, William | Carrickalinga | 1831-1913 |
SHANNON, George | Yankalilla | 1817-1857 |
SHETLIFF, Samuel | Goolwa | 1816-1880 |
SHORT, John | Morphett Vale | 1819-1896 |
SIBLY, John | Willunga | 1858-1896 |
SIBLY, Joseph | Willunga | 1823-1895 |
SIBLY, Samuel | Willunga | 1863-1910 |
SIDLER, Aloys Frederick William | Morphett Vale, Dashwood Gully | 1825-1921 |
SIMMONS, Henry | Encounter Bay | 1843-1860 |
SIMS, Thomas | Hurtle Vale | 1823-1877 |
SKINNER, Lucy Eleanor | Myponga | 1870-1960 |
SKINNER, William Thomas | Yankalilla | 1845-1929 |
SMART, William | Kangarilla | 1809-1874 |
SNOSWELL, John | Willunga | 1819-1873 |
SOFTLEY, William Robert | Inman Valley, Middleton | 1837-1914 |
SPARGO, Robert | Willunga | 1812-1874 |
SPARROW, Joseph Lainsbury | Hackham | 1829-1879 |
SPENCER, George | Myponga | 1833-1866 |
SPENCER, Hannah | Myponga | 1828-1891 |
SPENCER, James | Myponga | 1831-1877 |
SPENCER, Jane | Hay Valley | 1823-1915 |
SPENCER, John | Clarendon | 1817-1894 |
SPENCER, John | Clarendon | 1843-1872 |
SPENCER, William | Hurtle Vale | 1820-1891 |
SPENCER, William | Clarendon | 1790-1854 |
SPRIGG, Charles | Morphett Vale | 1786-1857 |
SPRIGG, Charles Mosse | Morphett Vale | 1823-1904 |
SPRIGG, George Hutchinson | Morphett Vale | 1820-1885 |
SPRIGG, Henry Lorenzo | Morphett Vale | 1821-1892 |
SPRIGG, John Wogan | Morphett Vale | 1818-1885 |
SPRIGG, Samuel | Morphett Vale | 1827-1888 |
STACEY, George | Yankalilla | 1812-1893 |
STEER, Richard | Bakers Gully | 1806-1886 |
STEPHENS, Daniel | Willunga | 1831-1860 |
STEPHENS, Matthew | Willunga | 1802-1871 |
STEVENS, Richard | Strathalbyn | 1830-1875 |
STILLWELL, George | Bakers Gully | 1815-1881 |
STILLWELL, William | Hackham | 1861-1924 |
STONE, George Richard | Bull Creek | 1859-1929 |
STONE, James | Bull Creek | 1819-1879 |
STONE, James | Bull Creek | 1842-1921 |
STONE, William John | Bull Creek | 1851-1929 |
STRONG, John | Happy Valley | 1782-1870 |
STRONG, John | Happy Valley | 1818-1905 |
STRONGITHARM, Fanny Maria | Hackham | 1831-1860 |
STRUDWICK, George | Myponga | 1815-1891 |
STURGES, George | Clarendon | 1818-1901 |
STURGES, John | Clarendon | 1850-1889 |
SUGG, Joseph | Middleton | 1818-1904 |
SURGOTT, Martin | Happy Valley | 1854-1941 |
SWEETMAN, Robert Thomas | Inman Valley | 1845-1923 |
SYMONDS, Charles | Noarlunga | 1833-1898 |
TAIT, William | Port Elliot | 1825-1879 |
TALBOT, John | Hurtle Vale | 1805-1838 |
TAPLEY, James Morford | O'Halloran Hill | 1819-1881 |
TAPLEY, John | Myponga | 1829-1919 |
TAPLEY, John Edward | Morphett Vale | 1836-1903 |
TAPLEY, Thomas | O'Halloran Hill | 1789-1856 |
TAPLEY, Thomas Richard | O'Halloran Hill | 1817-1862 |
TARRAN, James | Rapid Bay | 1805-1899 |
TAYLOR, Cyril Patrick | Morphett Vale | 1886-1940 |
TAYLOR, Job | Willunga | 1824-1907 |
TAYLOR, John | Willunga | 1847-1915 |
TAYLOR, Martha | Morphett Vale | 1851-1934 |
TAYLOR, Richard | Morphett Vale | 1845-1923 |
TAYLOR, Thomas | Morphett Vale | 1813-1872 |
TAYLOR, Thomas | Aldinga, Willunga | 1828-1886 |
TAYLOR, Wilfred Charles | Morphett Vale | 1894-1976 |
TEAKLE, David | Noarlunga | 1810-1895 |
TEARE, Thomas | Morphett Vale | 1826-1899 |
TEECE, William | McLaren Vale, Noarlunga | 1825-1885 |
TESTER, George | Clarendon | 1854-1933 |
TESTER, John | Clarendon | 1818-1913 |
TESTER, John | Clarendon | 1854-1941 |
TESTER, Seth James | Clarendon | 1869-1941 |
TREASURE, Emmanuel | Yankalilla | 1822-1907 |
TRENAMEN, Thomas | Willunga, Yankalilla | 1829-1903 |
TRENOWTH, Thomas | Willunga | 1806-1868 |
THOMAS, Graham | Strathalbyn | 1822-1900 |
THOMSON, Thomas | Noarlunga | 1838-1905 |
THOMSON, Walter | O'Halloran Hill | 1808-1882 |
THORPE, Charles | Kangarilla | 1797-1873 |
THORPE, John | Kangarilla | 1827-1903 |
THREADGOLD, Charles | Kangarilla | 1831–1909 |
THREADGOLD, Robert | Clarendon | 1835–1897 |
THREADGOLD, William | Cherry Gardens, Kangarilla | 1803–1867 |
THREADGOLD, William | Kangarilla | 1827-1901 |
TIDY, Henry | Morphett Vale | 1815-1891 |
TRIGG, John | Port Elliot | 1819-1900 |
TRIGG, Samuel | Port Elliot | 1817-1883 |
TONKIN, Enoch | Yankalilla | 1797-1875 |
TONKIN, James | Dairy Flat | 1836-1923 |
TOOP, Abner | Wickham Hills | 1827-1882 |
TOSTEVIN, Alfred | Noarlunga | 1829-1897 |
USHER, Benjamin | Bull Creek, Meadows | 1876-1921 |
USHER, George | Kangarilla | 1817-1865 |
USHER, George | Bull Creek | 1840-1911 |
USHER, John Henry | McLaren Vale, Bull Creek | 1850-1910 |
TUGWELL, Daniel | Encounter Bay | 1854-1937 |
TUGWELL, Joshua | Encounter Bay | 1856-1954 |
TUGWELL, William | Goolwa | 1829-1915 |
VANSTONE, JOHN | Willunga | 1806-1886 |
VANSTONE, William Durrant | Willunga | 1834-1916 |
VICARY, William Crocker | Clarendon | 1860-1929 |
VINCENT, William | McLaren Vale | 1807-1910 |
VICKERY, Samuel | Willunga | 1843-1903 |
WARREN, John | Happy Valley | 1810-1867 |
WATTERS, William | Willunga | 1800-1872 |
WALLIS, John | Noarlunga | 1808-1866 |
WATSON,Henry Jonas | Bald Hills, Middleton | 1816-1889 |
WATTERS, William | Willunga | 1800-1872 |
WATT, Robert | Strathalbyn | 1846-1933 |
WATT, Thomas & Mary | Strathalbyn | 1809-1892 |
WAYE John | Willunga | 1836-1904 |
WAYE, Elsiminia | Willunga | 1876- |
WAYE, Emma Maria | Willunga | 1870-1949 |
WAYE, George | Willunga | 1840-1925 |
WAYE, George Herbert | Willunga | 1865-1953 |
WAYE, Hendrick Stanbury | Willunga | 1877-1961 |
WAYE, James | Willunga | 1834-1897 |
WAYE, James Moore | Willunga | 1867-1956 |
WAYE, James Oliver | Willunga | 1872-1952 |
WAYE, John | Willunga | 1810-1888 |
WAYE, John Henry | Willunga | 1881-1945 |
WAYE, Libby Sibly | Willunga | 1885-1951 |
WAYE, Marcena George | Willunga | 1883-1957 |
WAYE, Thomas | Mount Compass | 1872-1909 |
WAYE, Thomas | Willunga | 1842-1913 |
WAYE, Violet Mary | Willunga | 1890-1978 |
WAYE, William | Willunga | 1847-1878 |
WAYE, William | Mount Compass | 1870-1956 |
WAYE, William Thomas | Willunga | 1866-1918 |
WEEKS, Francis Allen | Noarlunga, Hackham | 1864-1916 |
WEEKS, William | Noarlunga | 1825-1900 |
WENHAM, James | Yankalilla | 1854-1938 |
WENHAM, Robert | Yankalilla | 1817-1883 |
WHITE, Samuel | Aldinga Plains | 1819-1899 |
WICKHAM, Benjamin | McLaren Vale | 1792-1875 |
WICKHAM, Daniel | McLaren Vale | 1827-1911 |
WILKINSON, Frederick | McLaren Vale | 1858-1945 |
WILLCOCK, Oliver | Goolwa | 1801-1881 |
WILLIAMS, John | Reynella | 1839-1902 |
WILLIAMS, Thomas | Willunga | 1790-1858 |
WILLIAMS, Thomas | Dairy Flat | 1827-1896 |
WILLIAMS, Zacharias | Willunga | 1835-1898 |
WILLIS, George | Bullaparinga | 1806-1895 |
WINTER, Robert Dowie | Morphett Vale | 1817-1882 |
WOOLFITT, John | Currency Creek | 1859-1940 |
WOOLFITT, Moses | Strathalbyn | 1832-1897 |
WOOLFITT, William | Strathalbyn | 1857-1930 |
WRIGHT, Hannah | O'Halloran Hill | 1856-1930 |
WRIGHT, Robert | Clarendon | 1843-1880 |
WRIGHT, Robert | Noarlunga | 1822-1873 |
WRIGHT, Thomas | Clarendon | 1812-1899 |
WRIGHT, William | O'Halloran Hill | 1828-1902 |
WRIGHT, William Joseph | O'Halloran Hill | 1856-1938 |
YATES, Charles | Inman Valley | 1828-1908 |
YATES, George | Hackham | 1815-1911 |
YATES, Henry | Hackham | 1812-1881 |
YATES, John | Inman Valley | 1826-1907 |
YATES, Mark | Noarlunga | 1824-1904 |
YOUNG, Thomas | Happy Valley | 1813-1904 |