England and Wales

England and Wales

6Land and Window Tax AssessmentsJeremy Gibson
8Making Sense of the CensusEdward Higgs
9My Ancestors were LondonersCliff Webb
10Poll Books c1696-1872JG & CR
11Poor Law Documents Before 1834Anne Cole
17The Hearth Tax EtcJeremy Gibson
22Finding Your Way Around the English and Welsh Census 1841-1901Graham Jaunay
33Parish Register Copies Pt 1 (Other than the Soc of Genealogist’s Collection).Society of Genealogists
34Parish Register Copies Pt 2 (Other than the Soc of Genealogist’s Collection).Society of Genealogists
35A Handbook of British Family HistoryFHS Publications
44A Genealogist’s BibliographyCecil R Humphrey Smith
47Penguin Dictionary of SurnamesBasil Cottle
74Old Customs and Ceremonies of LondonMargaret Brentall
80British Social Life in India 1608-1937
86Staffordshire – The Buildings of England
104Trace Your English AncestorsJanet Reakes
113Dictionary of Foreign Terms in the English LanguageDavid Carroll
125The Parish Finder for EnglandGraham Jaunay
128A History of WalesWynford Vaughan Thomas
149Debrett’s Guide to Tracing your AncestryN Currer-Briggs & Rotston Gambier
156Occupational Sources for Genealogists – A BibliographyStuart A Raymond
159Londoners’ Occupations – A Genealogical GuideStuart A Raymond
165England and Wales Birth, Death & Marriages from 1837(Macbeth Guide)
221Some Medieval Records for Family HistoriansPeter Franklin
222Manorial RecordsDenis Stuart
224Second Stages in Researching Welsh AncestryJohn & Sheila Rowlands
251The Parish ChestW E Tate
282In Search of Origins – The Experiences of Adopted PeopleJohn Triseliotis
315The First Day on the Somme 1st July 1916Martin Middlebrook
322Researching English Education and Health RecordsDr Penelope Christensen
326Dictionary of British SurnamesP H Reaney
360The Victorian PrinterGraham Hudson
383The Victorian Domestic ServantTrevor May
384The Victorian SoldierDavid Nelson
385The Victorian WorkhouseTrevor May
386English Customs and TraditionsMargaret Gascoigne
387Writing Up Your Family History – a do-it-yourself guideJohn Titford
388Marriage Laws, Rites, Records and CustomsColin R Chapman
391Wills and Other Probate RecordsK Grannum & Taylor
393How Our Ancestors Lived – A history of life 100 yrs agoDavid Hey
410Dictionary of English Place-namesA D Mills
441Workhouse, the people, the places, the life behind doors
492Researching Pre Civil Registration English RecordsGraham Jaunay
533Militia Lists & Musters Lists 1757-1876Gibson & Medlycott
573The Handy Book of Parish LawWiltshire Family History Soc
687Trades & CraftsChristine Wiener
835The Dictionary of Genealogy – Third EditionTerrick V H Fitzhugh
898Welsh Patagonians – The Australian ConnectionM. Langfield & P. Roberts
951Buried TreasurePaul Milner
962Mill Walks and Industrial YarnsLyndon Murgatroyd
965Tracing Your East End AncestorsJane Cox
966Tracing Your Legal AncestorsStephen Wade
1022Guide to British Place NamesAdrian Room
1024Book of British VillagesDrive Publications Ltd, Pbl.
1026My Ancestor was a Merchant SeamanChristopher T. and Michael J. Watts
1037London and Country Directory, 1811, vol. 1W. Holden, publ.
1038London and Country Directory, 1811, vol. 2W. Holden, publ.
1039London and Country Directory, 1811, vol. 3W. Holden, publ.
1052British and Irish NewspapersChris Paton
1054The Ones that got AwayJanet Few
1090The Greenwood Tree, Somerset & Dorset FHS, V42, N1
1091The Greenwood Tree, Somerset & Dorset FHS, V42, N2
1092The Greenwood Tree, Somerset & Dorset FHS, V42, N3
1151The Journal of Gloucestershire FHSNo. 136
1224The Book of StithiansStithians Parish History Group
1226Stithians Families IIEdward Martin
C160National Burial Index for England and WalesCD
S155British Family Names: their origin and meaning
S157Maxey Parish Registers, 1538-1713