Special Interest Groups

Aussie Interest Group, 1pm to 4pm on the second Saturday of the month, February to November. Please bring a small plate of afternoon tea to share. Hosted by Ros Dunstall.

UK and USA Interest Group, 7.30pm to 10pm every third Tuesday of the month, February to November. Hosted by Sharon Green.

Computer Group, 1pm to 3:15pm every third Wednesday of the month (in the hall), February to November. Hosted by Heather Boyce.

DNA Group, 7.30pm to 10pm on the first Tuesday of each month, February to November. Hosted by Sharon Green.

Workshops, 1pm to 3:15pm on the first Wednesday of the month (in the hall), February to November. Hosted by Sharon Green.

Resource Room, open for members from 12noon to 1:15pm before General Meetings and for members and the general public from 1pm to 3:15pm on the first and third Wednesdays of each month (in the hall), February to November.


Days and times may vary so please refer to the Event Calendar